NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 38: Showdown of Forbidden Powers!

Sonjo: Okay… that hurt, what's the plan?

Master Tazz: As it is right now, we can't beat him. We need a way to remove him until we come up with a better plan. (Play song Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Battle! Three Great Super Saiyans - Gathering Energy For The Genki Dama)

Khan: And just how are we supposed to do that?

Master Tazz: I know a technique that will send him the Zone of Woe.

Jin: The zone of woe?

Master Tazz: A place as empty as the void itself. There's nothing there, just an abyss. It'll keep Zen there, but only for 24 hours. Not the greatest, but enough to give us time to think of a way to defeat him.

Sonjo: How does it work?

Master Tazz: I need a bit of time to charge up the attack. Once I do, anything within sight will be absorbed and sent there. 

Jin: How much time do you need?

Master Tazz: 30 seconds.

Jin: Then 30 seconds you shall get!

*The three of them make a final stand as Master Tazz begins charging up his attack. Zen walks up full of confidence…*

Zen: The time has come for you all to be wiped away. Yet even now, I will show mercy. Kneel before me, and I may let you live. 

Khan: I've had enough out of you. Just die already! *Khan charges at Zen and unleashes a flurry of attacks, but they have no effect on Zen. Zen catches Khan's attack, knees him in the stomach, before throwing him to the side.*

Jin: You know what's funny about everything? Is that for all your bravado, you still couldn't beat any of us on your own. Shows how weak you truly are! *Jin charges at Zen, but is quickly stopped, before getting blasted away by Zen.*

Master Tazz: Jin, Khan, Sonjo, just hold a little longer.

Zen: I don't know what you're planning, but it's doomed to fail. You need the luxury of time, which you can't afford! 

*Zen charges up an attack and aims it at Master Tazz. Just then, Sonjo appears behind Zen, and locks him down.*

Sonjo: You're not going anywhere! Overcharge! *Sonjo emits an extreme amount of lightning, shocking Zen. It allows him to pick up Zen and slam him to the ground. 

Master Tazz: *Fully powers up* There! Jin, Khan, Sonjo, out of the way!

*The three of them move out of the way as Master Tazz unleashes his attack.* (Stop playing the song)

Master Tazz: Black Hole… DESTRUCTION! *Master Tazz shoots out a beam of energy straight towards ZEN. It engulfs Zen, and drags him to the Zone of Woe.*

Zen: NOOOOOOOO! How can this happen?! I am Zen! I AM ZEN! 

*Zen is finally in the Zone of Woe after the last words. Finally, for the first time in a long while, the battlefield is quiet.* 

Master Tazz: *Struggling to breathe* He's gone…

Khan: It's about time *he falls back to the ground*

Jin: But what now? We still don't have a way to defeat him.

Master Tazz: We can worry about that later. For now, we need to get back to the Blitzwing.

(The four of them head back to regroup with everyone else…) 

Janna: Did you do it?

Master Tazz: No, he's only been sealed. But we have time to come up with a way to eliminate him, for good.

Ayumi: Are you guys alright?

Jin: I've been better, but I've also been worse. Once we get rid of Zen though, I'll be good.

Sonjo: I'm pretty sure my brain short circuited at least three times today.

Khan: Is that a pun Sonjo?

Baron Hampton: Not very shocking, is it?

Master Tazz: Hmph.

Ayumi: Save the puns for after we get back to the Blitzwing.

Sona: Are we ready to go?

(Play song Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 OST - 14 The Way To Peace)

Jin: Not yet. *He begins walking away…*

Sonjo: Where ya going?

Khan: Jin?

Jin: I can't leave her, not a second time…

Baron Hampton: What're you- Oh… I see.

Ayumi: That's right…

Jin: *He arrives at Roux's body. He stands there silently for a bit, before speaking…* Roux, I know I let you down. I gave in to my anger and frustration, I let my emotions take over me. And because of that, it cost you your life. *Begins tearing up* I know some things aren't fixable or changeable… And I can never right this wrong. But If I ever get the chance, I'll do anything to save your life. Even… if it means giving up my own. It's the least I can do, after you saved mine. *He picks up Roux, and drapes her arm around his shoulder* C'mon, everyone's waiting on us. *He heads back to the Blitzwing with Roux*

Ayumi: I see, you wanna go back to the Blitzwing too.

*They all prepare for the journey back to the Blitzwing. At least for another 24 hours, the world is at peace. The way to peace, as has often been the case for them, has been paved in struggle. Much has been lost, and the toll of the war has been great. For only 24 hours, the war will cease. One day is all that stands between the end of the war, and total annihilation.)