NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 39: Serenity Through Sacrifice

*Everyone gasps*

Jin: You can?

Sonjo: You can?

Khan: Okay, I'm curious. Please, enlighten us.

Ayumi: It's a technique I created. I call it the "Sarlen Rebirth" technique, or "Sarlen Rebirth" for short.

Zach: Because you're reborn into a Sarlen?

Ayumi: Nah, it was the first thing that popped into my head.

Zach: Fair enough.

Ayumi: Anywho, the way it works is quite simple. Using my power, I can create a gateway to the realm of evanescent, allowing you to be in the same plane as Roux. Once you get there, you just have to find her. When you do, I'll be able to help you further.

Jin: That's it? That sounds surprisingly easy. 

Zach: Easy enough that it should take no time at all getting her back!

Kira: So what're we waiting for?

Master Tazz: Hang on, you're all forgetting something very important. 

Kira: What's that?

Master Tazz: Say this plan of ours does work, and we are able to bring Roux back. Something like this couldn't be done for free. There has to be a great price to be paid for this. 

Capt. Maeko: He's right. The greater the need, the greater the cost. So Ayumi, what's the cost?

Ayumi: I'm sorry, I can't say.

Fadra: Why not?

Ayumi: Understand that it's not that I don't want to tell you all. The only way it'll work is if you're all in to bring her back, no matter what. 

Baron Hampton: Ayumi… When did you learn this power?

Ayumi: I did it in secret, but I think C always suspected I guess.

Baron Hampton: I see, that's why he was always so rude and hostile towards you.

Sonjo: And they said I was the hater, crazy.

Ayumi: There's one more thing I should warn you about. Whoever goes is going to have to travel the realm alone. Not only that, but whoever goes is the one who's making the sacrifice. Jin, you and Roux have been connected in a way that none of us here have. You two were literally linked together spiritually. Therefore, it stands to reason that you're capable of bringing her back.

Master Tazz: You want Jin to take on Roux's spirit again? With all due respect Ayumi, Roux's spirit is in such a dark state. Being consumed by such hate and despair can consume someone, look what happened to Zen. Even the slightest misstep, and Jin is gone too. I'll go in his place instead.

Ayumi: And with your power, you'd have a chance of achieving Master Tazz. But I believe that Jin, having been connected to Roux as long as he has, is the best chance we have of bringing her back.

Alex: And you can't tell us what this sacrifice is? This seems like a really big deal.

Ayumi: I wish there was more I could do. Ultimately, it's not up to me to force any of you to go. It's something you all have to decide for yourselves.

*The room goes quiet as everyone looks amongst themselves, silently trying to decide on who will be the one to go. (Play song Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix - Dearly Beloved (Extended) Jin looks over to Roux, and smiles*

Jin: Listen, I really appreciate your concern. But, I'm gonna go save Roux.

*Everyone gasps*

Kira: But Jin, you-

Jin: Look, I get that you're all worried, and for good reason. The cost could be greater than anything we could ever imagine. But I stand the best chance of bringing Roux back safely. Besides, who would I be if I didn't find myself in the most awkward situations? I'm doing it for me too. Roux saved my life, and… I can hear her calling out to me. She needs me.

Fadra: Our hearts and spirits are strengthened through the bonds that connect us. No matter where she is, you can reach her. All we have to do is trust in those bonds.

Sonjo: Gee, I guess we're all connected to each other in some way.

Zach: We sure are!

Baron Hampton: And if things get dicey, I'll be there to bail you out. I owe you that much at least.

Jin: Everyone, thank you. Roux and I will return safely.

*Jin nods to Ayumi, and Ayumi begins channeling her power, creating a field of energy surrounding them. A radiant light shines throughout the Blitzwing, as everyone stands watching. Finally, Jin fades away, and begins traveling to save Roux.*

(Play song Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep -Aqua- Extended [Redux] *As he traverses through the realm of evanescent, he begins to get an usual feeling…* 

Jin: (This place feels a lot different than when I was here. Is this the effect Roux's spirit has on this place?)

Ayumi: Jin, can you hear me?

Jin: Loud and clear Ayumi.

Ayumi: Jin, the realm is an abyss of despair. We won't be able to bring Roux back in it's current state. 

Jin: How do we bring her back?

Ayumi: In order to find Roux and bring her back, we need to find a way to restore peace to her spirit.

Jin: But this place is total darkness. I can't tell where it ends and where it begins. How am I supposed to find her?

Roux: (Jin…)

Jin: ? That voice…

Roux: (Come find me…)

Jin: (But I don't know how.)

Roux: (Follow my voice. Let it guide you through the dark.)

Jin: *He focuses for a second* Okay, I'll be right there.

*Jin allows himself to be guided towards Roux. When he finds her, he finds her lifeless spirit body floating in the darkness.*