NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 40: The Calm Before the Storm

(Khan leaves Master Tazz, and returns to the Blitzwing to prepare for the day ahead. Meanwhile, in Takar, Jin is off doing his own thing… Play song Kingdom Hearts 2 - Friends in my Heart)

Jin:  Hey! Mamiko! Taliyah!

Taliyah: *Gasps* Meesta Jin! *She sprints over to hug him*

Jin: Hey there kiddo.

Mamiko: We were starting to wonder if we were ever gonna see you again.

Jin: Yeah well, I'm not the easiest person to get rid of. I'm pretty stubborn, ya know.

Mamiko: So you say. What brings you here anyway?

Taliyah: Did you beat the bad guys?

Jin: Not yet, we only sealed them away.

Mamiko: So then why…

Jin: I have a bit of free time before things get chaotic again, so I thought I'd stop by to see y'all before I have to go again.

Mamiko: Ahhh, I see.

Taliyah: You are gonna beat the bad guys right?

Jin: Of course I am! When I have been known to make world changing mistakes?

Mamiko: Well according to a certain vlog I've been watching about the war…

Jin: HEY! Those were heavily edited and taken out of context. 

Mamiko: Mhm, suuure.

Jin: Anywho, I just came to tell y'all that once the war ends, I won't be around as much. 

Taliyah: What? Whyyyyyy?

Mamiko: Do we intimidate you? I knew it, you're a wuss after all.

Jin: No no no, it's none of that! It's just that I want you both to have the best life possible. Me being in it would just complicate things for you.

Mamiko: Will we ever see you again?

Jin: I hope so, but I can't promise you that.

Taliyah: But, I'll miss you! What if I go looking for you? Will I find you?

Jin: I'll always be with you, right here. *He points to his heart* Our bonds live in our hearts, remember? So long as we don't forget about each other, we'll cross paths again. Besides, I don't want anything bad happening to you or your mother because of me in any way.

Taliyah: But… but!

Jin: I'm sorry Taliyah, but you still have a mom and a place to go home to. I have to protect that at all costs. You both understand don't you? I can be with you both any time this way.

Mamiko: You promise?

Jin: Promise! When the war ends, I'll come back and visit you all. Until then, let me fight to protect what you both have.

Mamiko: Okay, you win.

Jin: Alright, time to go. They'll be expecting me soon. 

Mamiko: Right, end this war, for good.

Taliyah: Teach them a lesson Meesta Jin!

Jin: Right, cya! *He begins heading back toward the Blitzwing*

Taliyah: Hey wait! Aren't you forgetting something?

Jin: *Sits there pondering for a bit* Mmm… I don't think so. 

Taliyah: You didn't give us a hug! 

Jin: Oh, right! *He gives them both a hug*

Taliyah: There!

Jin: *Laughs* You two stay safe, I'll be back.

(Stop playing the song) *Jin heads back to the Blitzwing, preparing for what will be the final act in the war. A little while later, he and everyone else appears in the Blitzwing too.* (Play song Mobile Suit Gundam OST 1 Track 20 - Prayer for Peace)

Capt. Maeko: Good, looks like we're all here, with the exception of Master Tazz.

Khan: Yeah, about that, he said he'll be joining us soon. Had something really important to take care of first.

Capt. Maeko: I see, well I won't pry into what it is. Did everyone enjoy their day?

Kira: We sure did! When the war is over, we'll have to do it all over again.

Alex: Uhh, we have to win the war first. 

Zach: I mean we're all here, so all of us think we're going to win right?

Baron Hampton: Mmm I don't know… I might have to swap sides if I see Lady Shirina.

Ayumi: Very funny big brother.

Fadra: What's the plan captain?

Jin: Actually, we don't need a plan. We're going to end this war, and we're gonna win.

Sonjo: Those are some bold words Jin.

Khan: Very bold.

Baron Hampton: That's pretty uncommon for you. Is that your psychic intuition?

Jin: Yes. I know that we've all had our struggles in life, especially since joining this war. But all life, regardless of difficulty, is worth living. Trust me, our time isn't up yet.

Capt. Maeko: Well then, we have nothing to worry about. Alright everyone, head to your stations. It's do or die time, and the Principality will be the ones to die.

*Jin and everyone else who will be on the battlefield head in an elevator to get to their stations*

Sonjo: Hey Jin, what you said back there about the intuition, is it true?

Jin: No, if people were truly able to see the future, then things would play out way differently.

Khan: Yeah, I guess learning a few tricks doesn't make you a magician.

Baron Hampton: But pulling a rabbit out of a hat does.

Ayumi: Oh har har!

Sonjo: So if it isn't true, then why say it?

Jin: So they would feel confident about chances. If any of us were to be worried, we could lose it all. I want them to feel like we will do it, not like we can do it.

Khan: Very well thought out Jin.

Sonjo: Then let's take all the confidence, and end this once and for all.

Everyone: *In unison* Right!

Narrator: They prepare for what will be the final battles in the war. One way or another, the war will be coming to an end, and there will be a victor. For one more time, the world will be fought over. It's all on the line, to the victor go the spoils…*

(Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sanctuary (Ending)