The story follows the protagonist Raver Xyle Sarmiento who is a weird, introvert, alone, and a heartless guy who lives his life with nothing but himself. He lost everything he had back when he was just a child. Unexpectedly, a bad accident happened to him that changed his gloomy life. He bumped into a jolly-outgoing famous girl from his college university— Coulyne Faye Natividad. Little did he know, she's the same girl from his high school who's one of the reason that his heart turned into a stone. As he continue his new life, a lot of things are changing.
"Is she thankful? Or does she regrets everything? After that day she met a heartless guy. The day she met me." — Raver Xyle Sarmiento
Disclaimer: The image used as the cover of the novel is purely not made by the author, credits to the rightful owner/s.
Hello everyone ^_^ This story is about a guy who does not believe in love because he had a tragic past. But his life gradually changed when he was forced to join a certain club. This is my first story but I assure you that you will not be disappointed! >///<
Ako 'to si Tenk, I've read the your story na. The plot is normal and you could see right through it and you will already know what will happen to them. The MC is not likable but I think there will be a character development that will soon arise. But maybe the ideas of mine that pop into my brain might be wrong but despite the fact it is still well written and worth to read. There is still more rooms for improvement but don't be discourage, you did great and I might as well finish your story. This story has potential and the author too. Keep writing!