"Ji Zhuang Circumstances"

Verco's green eyes flashed. He flew over Tianjin's place and suddenly popped out in front of her, startling the AI to death. 

"What– who are you?!" The swan subconsciously blocked Zhao Yang from the snake's sight, protecting him with her small body. 

"Good evening, hiss…." Verco just floated in the air, and his eyes flickered. His pupil changed from golden to white, and somehow, there was a huge swirl in his eyes. 

Tianjin paused. She couldn't speak anymore as her eyes were sucked into the snake's eyes. Verco's eyes kept swirling, forming a black and white spiral. 

"Forget whatever happens tonight, hisss...." Verco spoke in a deep, magnetic voice as he swayed his body, following the movement of his spiral pupil. 

"Forget…" Tianjin's eyes dimmed. The swan stopped moving, and somehow, Zhao Yang was also the same. His eyes looked dark and without light, precisely like dead fish eyes.