Lisa Tan

Everyone waiting in silence as Luna inspects their jobs one by one while occasionally answer her inquiries. They nervously waited for her to finish all the evaluations. Sis Chien asked her to relay the sleeping Lily to her, but Luna declined as she continues to carry Lily with left hand and inspecting the products with right hand. She then proceeded to the next floor to start their meeting with everyone followed suit.

Upon seated on her designated chair, Luna adjusts her daughter's position so her body could comfortably leans on her chest. She then signals Sis Chien to start the meeting. As Sis Chien presenting, Luna leisurely marking and scribbling some of the points that needed further actions. Everyone focus on the presentation, in case their boss decides to ask them questions. The meeting finish around an hour later. Sis Chien and others are waiting for Luna to speak.

"I feel satisfy with most of the finishing garments." Everyone unconciously release their breaths and they waited for her to continue.

"Although I'm not a profesional tailor or seamstress, but I do have keen eyes for great products. As I said in our previous meeting, I want the finishing garments to be exclusively done. Our main target market are those high end customers. Our city will be develop more in the near future, so it will become a metropolitan city. This is the critical time for us and we need to grab this opportunity to establishing our brand. So these are several things that I want...." She continued with strings of instructions and tasks that needed to be done before they officially launched in three months.

"Did everyone get what they're suppose to do?"

Everyone affirmed and nodded their heads.

"If anyone has a doubt, do asks Sis Chien. She will updates me with the progressions, so hopefully everyone can give their 200% efforts and strive to be the best. Meeting adjourned."

She arranges her papers neatly. Then, she lifts Lily up and stand up before picking the papers with right hand. Everyone stood up and slightly bowed at her which she replies back by a slight nod. She walked down the stairs directly towards her car. She opens the back door before slowly lowering her daughter and adjusting her position in the child seat. She buckled up the belt, closes the door and strode into the kitchenette to fetches her bags. She bids everyone goodbye and ignites the engine before accelerates on the road.

Everyone praise their boss as a diligent and wise person. She is a great leader with great personality. Suddenly, one of the new trainees asks if their boss was divorced. Sis Chien glares at her which makes the trainee cowered.

"I'm just curious," she meekly said.

"No, she's not. She just loves to do everything by herself..well..almost everything. Mind your words next time," Sis Chien reprimanded.

On the way home, Luna received a call from her ex-collegue, Lisa. Lisa is also her best friend. Upon pushing the freehand button to answer the call, Lisa's loud voice can be hear chirping non stop. Luna quickly plugs out the bluetooth before her eardrum ruptured by Lisa's loud voice. She parks her car on the roadside and unbuckled before picking up the call again.


Lisa looks at her phone screen to see if the call is disconnected. Then she heard Luna's calm voice at the other line.

"Could you please tone down your voice? My eardrum almost ruptured."

Lisa laughed like a maniac before she stopped and asked her best friend how she had been doing.

Luna answered, "As usual. I baked another batch of cookies and cupcakes. Getting the feedbacks and so on so forth. Overall, it was a fruitful day as usual."

Luna can't help getting excited too when she heard Lisa's cheery voice.

Upon hearing the word cookies, the glutton Lisa excitedly scream.

"I want it...I want it too...You had save some for me, right babe? I'm coming to your home after today office hours's decided," Lisa exclaimed excitedly while jumping up and down on her office chair. She knew every time Luna baked something, it was tasty. She can vacuumed a large jar of cookies in an hour if Luna baked them.

Luna on the other hand just smiling helplessly as she can imagines Lisa's reactions.

When she first arrived at the Mu Corp six years ago, Lisa was the first person to approached her.

"Oh, you must be the genius engineer that the directors fussing about. I'm Lisa Tan. Nice to meet you."

Luna humbly smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Luna Wang." She bowed slightly. Lisa pulled her hand and started to introduced and toured her around the workplace. Before long, Luna name was known in the whole company. Luna reminiscence was broken by Lisa loud voice.

"Hello..hey..Luna..are you there?"

Lisa asked as she blabbered a lot but Luna kept mum.

"Yeah, I'm here. Sorry, I just walked down our first meeting memory lane," she sheepishly said.

Lisa laughed.

" of my best memories too, as I luckily became your best friend. Sadly you decided to resigned after getting married. But it's okay as long as I can consumes your delicious creations." Lisa laughed again.