
"How's your exam?"

"Everything was fine, I supposed."

"Supposed? I believe you'll get a great grades, dear."

"Thank you for thinking highly of me, mother."

"Nah! It's a fact. I had inquired about your previous results, and it was brilliant. As expected of my baby girl," Zhuo Lin praised.

"Not like someone whom just wasting my money, buying every almonds flavoured foods and drinks but still get a mediocre results," she quipped.

Hong Tian almost choked on his coffee by his mother's remark. He dabs the napkin on his lips and cleared his throat several times. Wang Hua and LinLin chuckled when they saw Zhuo Lin's mischievous smirk.

"Mom! I don't bought those with the intention to get a genius brain, but I just love almonds. And my results are not mediocre, I got Dean's List every semester."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Don't be so proud. Be more humble," she jabbed. "Oh, get me those donuts, I want to have a bite."