Joys and Misery

A roar of laughters reverberated around the spacious family hall before Zhao Shufen could finish narrating the whole situation that had happened in the restaurant almost an hour ago.

Everyone's eyes becomes teary by how much laughter they did, including Wang Zhiruo and her husband, Wang Zhilan and LinLin herself. Zhao Shufen had video calling them before he started his storytelling.

"It's already past midnight here. I think I won't be able to sleep again after this.. It's really hilarious. I can imagine their horror and embarrassing faces, especially that boy Jason. Oh my God! Don't you pity him, LinLin?" Wang Zhiruo cackled again until her eyes became blurry with tears.

"I did. But served him right, for jumping into his own conclusion." LinLin laughed too yet internally she felt elated by Jason's persistence.