Chapter 1: Transmigration

Hey, my name is Amir I'm what most people call an adrenaline junkie. I dabbled in every extreme sport possible from biking down a steep mountain to skydiving. Any sport that would make my heart beat faster and allow me to feel alive.

My addiction to these sports came from my grandfather, the poor man had died with multiple regrets. He feared death more than anything, but no one can run from death.

Death should be embraced and accepted. It should be kept in my mind and not used as a reason to cower in fear but as a catalyst to live your life to the fullest. After all today might be your last.

Taking a deep breath I readied myself to attempt the most extreme jump I had ever tried. I was currently in a space pod located 135'908 feet (41.425 Km) above ground. I'm wearing an astronaut-like suit with the 'Red Bull' logo on it while looking down on our beautiful planet.

I managed to win a ticket to reattempt the highest parachute jump ever made and I ended up winning. So I am now waiting for the green light to jump.

" This is central we have the all-clear, turn on your head camera and good luck." Smiling nervously as I felt the familiar excitement take over me. I pressed the button on the side of my helmet. Hearing a beeping noise indicating the camera was on.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and took the time to enjoy the view of the earth from space one last time. Before jumping off of the space pod.

The familiar rush came to me as adrenaline started circulating in my system. I could hear the strong wind against me. As I rode the wind and tried to find balance.

I managed to do so, easily as I continued to control my fall. Making sure I kept myself stable throughout the whole fall.

At some point I lost control and felt myself tumble through the sky making me lose all sense of orientation. I didn't know up from down anymore as my body kept rotating uncontrollably. I kept trying to regain control over my body. But it was harder than I thought with speed reaching up to 700 miles/hour (1126Km/h) a simple flick from my hand would make me rotate in the complete opposite direction.

I felt myself growing anxious as I looked at my watch showing I was getting closer and closer to the ground. If I didn't gain control soon I would end up dying.

I focused on my breathing to calm myself, 'the activity needs to go at my rythme not the other way around.' I kept tellingly self.

A familiar confident smile resurfaced on my face. What was the worse that could happen. Death? At least I'll have no regrets.

After regaining my composure I steadily managed to control my fall. Allowing me to sail through the sky with controlled ease. Looking at my watch it read 10'000 feet (3048m) above ground. *fyoo* made it just in time.

Deploying the parachute my speed slowed down tremendously. And all I had left to do was enjoy the view till I reached the ground.

But not everything always goes as planned, as some type of bird took notice of my parachute and decided it was a good idea to mess with it.

In a couple of second my dream jump turned into a nightmare, as my parachute was completely ripped in half by the bird talons.

The rapidly approaching ground made my heart drop to my ass, as I was sure there was no coming back from this one.

The more speed I gained the greater my panic was. I kept swinging my arms and feet in great panic. Till I remembered my grandfather and his unsightly death. If I was bound to die at least I'll die with my dignity and enjoying every last second I had left.

The smile returned to my face, as I took a star-shape in the air by spreading my arms and legs while facing the rapidly approaching ground. I kept enjoying the view paying attention to every little detail, knowing I wouldn't make it out.

When I was a couple of meters above ground and the grasp of death was close, something strange happened. A black hole like structure appeared on my landing spot and absorbed me completely. Leaving the ripped parachute behind.


Next thing I knew, a bunch of memories started invading my brain. Giving me a strong headache and making me pass out in the process.

After an undetermined amount of time, I felt my consciousness return. Or more precisely our consciousness returns. I wasn't myself anymore. I was both this person and myself at the same time.

While viewing this being memory I realized who I was, where I was and what situation I was currently in.

I was somehow thrown into the One Piece world, a world of Pirates and Marines. But what surprised me the most was with who I had fused.

My consciousness had somehow fused with a fictional character known as Trafalgar D. Water Law. The surgeon of death, a member of the worst generation and a future warlord of the sea.