Chapter 8: Gratitude

It has been 2 days since Hanzo had officially joined my crew. He was a really prideful and hardworking person. The moment he left his bedridden state, he wouldn't leave my side. Unlike Bepo who always complains about every mundane thing I ask of him, Hanzo tries to complete everything perfectly and without a word.

He doesn't even call me by name, Calling me either Captain or Law-sama. And of course wherever Hanzo went Snow his trusty wolf followed.

" Law-sama breakfast is ready." Hanzo said from outside my bedroom. I could hear Snow's cute little bark-howl at the door, as if he was talking to me as well.

" Alright I'll be there soon, did Mikoto wake up yet?" I asked.

" No he is still unconscious." He replied with a little sadness in his voice.

" Don't worry I'm sure he'll make it." I said.

*mn* He nodded before turning around and heading for the kitchen. Followed by the rustling of Snow's paws.


It has been a week since the incident, and Mikoto hasn't woken up yet. I had to feed him via tube for the time being. His vitals were improving and he seemed to get better every passing day so he should be fine.

" What are you doing you damn bear!?" A shout could be heard through the house.

I immediately recognized the voice as the big-mouthed thug in their small group.

Hanzo immediately stood up and ran in direction of the infirmary to talk with his friend.

Wolf and I followed after him. Once we reached the infirmary I saw a Bepo with tears in his eyes as he kept repeating "I'm sorry " while being surrounded by the usual gloomy vibe.

Just as I was about to beat some sense into this Mikoto. Hanzo beat me to it.

" You baka! Without that Bear's help you would have been dead!" Hanzo lectured while glaring at his childhood friend.

" Huh? Why would I need his help? He's just a freak." Mikoto said.

" Well that 'freaks' blood transfusions is the only way you're still alive. You owe him your life." I interjected while walking slowly toward him.

He gulped loudly seeing me, the pain of being stabbed in his thigh still present from our last encounter.

" What do you know about that anyway? It's not like your a doctor so scram pip-squeak!" Mikoto said while glaring at me.

Mikoto was immediately slapped on the back of the head by his childhood friend. " Shut up! You should be thanking him! Look at your arm Mikoto without his help…*sob* … we would have been dead!" Hanzo shouted at his friend.

Mikoto kept staring at his arm for a long moment, remembering the pain he had felt when he had thrown himself in front of his friend to protect him. The agonizing sensation of his flesh being forcefully torn apart by the hulking beast.

The memories seemed to have left him in some sort of trance as he started shaking in fear.

" I'll give you guys some privacy." I said excusing myself not wanting to intrude on someone's moment of weakness.

Wolf did the same and followed after me, while Bepo stayed in the corner of the room still being sorry for whatever reason.

[Room] [Shambles]

I quickly snatched Bepo from the infirmary and went back to the lab, to keep working on the submarine.


After the long day of work, neither boys were seen come out of the infirmary. So Bepo and I decided to bring them something to eat.

As we were about to open the door with trays in hand, the door was flung open. Revealing Mikoto and Hanzo who was holding a sleeping Snow in his arms. Mikoto walked in front of us and slowly crouched on all fours with clear strain from his injuries. Before bowing down to both Bepo and I.

" Thank you for saving my life!" Mikoto exclaimed with tears streaming down his face.

To see someone as prideful as Mikoto do something of the sort, brought a smile to my face.

While Bepo puffed his chest in pride, giving Mikoto an award winning smile.

Mikoto stood up and saw both of our smiling faces, " Hey! don't think that I owe you anything you stupid bear and you as well pip-squeak!" Mikoto exclaimed.

Hanzo, Bepo, Wolf and I started laughing loudly hearing his proclamation.

"*Tsk* you guys are annoying!" Mikoto exclaimed.

Making us laugh even harder at his tsundere attitude.


The next day, Mikoto barged into my room with no manners waking me up in the process.

" Hey Law! I just wanted to tell you that I'll be joining your crew because Hanzo asked me to. It's not like I want to or anything." He said while looking away from me.

" Who said I even wanted you in my crew." I asked while trying my hardest to hold a poker face.

" Huh?!" Mikoto's eyes widened in surprise before his face fell. " Oh ok… I guess it's to be expected."

" *pfftt* HAHAHA, you should've seen your face." I started laughing uncontrollably. While Mikoto glared at me.

After my fit of laughter, I stood in front of Mikoto and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Welcome to the crew Mikoto!" I said with a bright smile.

"Hn." He nodded with a grin of his own.


A week later, Bepo, Hanzo, Snow and Mikoto stood before me. As I walked in front of them like some army general.

" You guys are weak!" I said while examining each of them.

" They say a group is as strong as its weakest link, And I don't want any weaklings in mine!" I said with authority. I was talking to them as their captain, not their friend.

" So with the help of Wolf we will be helping everyone find something to specialize in. Each one of you will be experts in a certain field. That way we can cover for each other's weaknesses." I explained.

After my little speech, Wolf and I spent a couple hours testing everyone individually.

The result were as follow:

Bepo had some great animal-like instinct. Making him a powerful hand to hand combatant. With his claws and the electricity he managed to generate he proved to be a way more dangerous fow than his looks suggested.

Hanzo was extremely agile with his light body, he could climb practically anything with ease. We made him try a couple of weapons from guns and rocket launchers, to swords and spears. He could aim pretty well but nothing too impressive. Until Wolf personally made a mechanical bow especially tailored for him. The bow's arrows had different types of arrowheads each having a different effect once fired .

With his new weapon, and natural agility his aim improved drastically. I'm sure that if we managed to develop his accuracy properly he would turn into a world class sniper. And with Snow, his dire Wolf to cover him while he shoots. They could turn into a deadly combo in the future.

Mikoto had the strongest physical capabilities out of all three of them. He had a natural strength that equaled mine without training in the past. While I have been trained by the Donquixote family for 3 years to acquire such strength. So I focused on his physical gift and started developing his unnaturally strong body by making him lift weights and showed him a couple of Lao G's fighting styles.

As for me, I kept pushing my devil fruit limits while recreating every ability Law showed in the anime. From [Mes], to his ultimate ability [Gamma Knife].

(A/N for a complete list of abilities you can look up: One Piece Wiki or I can copy paste it as an auxiliary chapter?)

In addition to training everyone in my crew had to choose a role to specialize in. Bepo chose navigation, Mikoto chose to be our Shipwright and Hanzo decided to be our Cook.