Prelude to damnation

"Let us in, damn it!" I tried to barge in.

"Calm down, calm down. We were told to let no one in," said the soldier.

We had arrived at the castle but the guards wouldn't let us in. it was infuriating. But they weren't attacking us either. Which meant we weren't branded as enemies…yet.

"I have an appointment with your princess. Now let me in!" I tried to push through but the guard was very persistent in keeping us out.

"Settle down man. I'm just doing my job." He raised his arms up in an attempt to calm me down.

"What's with the ruckus?" A familiar voice appeared from the shadow. It was Gorgan. Was he in it too? I looked at him containing my hostility but some of it still slipped. "Oh, Daarc. Glad to know you made it. Are these your companions?" He genuinely looked glad.

I made myself clear. "We don't have time for this. I need to meet the princess." I couldn't possibly explain things here and besides, Gorgan was on the suspect list too.