If you won’t fall, I won’t either

Gorgan grit his teeth and started thrusting his spear at Zeline. Gorgan really was talented.

Although the Shark face attacked mercilessly, Gorgan dodged all most all of them and ended up doing damage to the Shark face instead. However, Zeline was recovering almost immediately. Hope wasn't a luxury I could afford anymore.

My sword was too short compared to the spear and the cleaver, so, I had no choice but to be on the sidelines. Besides, I was far too injured. And I was just extra baggage. But that didn't give me the right to sit down and do nothing.

"I'd expect no less from the country's youngest holy knight!" But surprisingly Zeline was complimenting Gorgan. It was odd, really.

"… I don't care if you're a Monarch or whatever. I'll defeat you right here!"

It was like one of those battles from movies. Except it happened right before my eyes. For a moment I felt like I was just watching it as a spectator and then realized that I really was.