If you want to change the world change yourself first.

Evening came with utter cold. It was definitely colder than last night. Even with the fire, life wasn't easy.

The wood crackling was quite amusing. It made me feel alive.

"How's your wounds?" he asked.

"Better than before." They were better but I still couldn't move.

The old man made stew of those bunnies. Rabbits were my most favorite animals. So I kind of felt guilty to drink the stew and eat the skewered meat. It was also the only reason why I hadn't eaten the meat last night.

But it was either that or the large insects the old man fried by the fire. Looking at the insects was mortifying in its own right. So, in the end, I was reduced to eating my most favorite animal instead. At least it tasted good.

"Now then, I assume you owe me a lot of things. Why don't we begin with an explanation?" The old man had an anticipated look on his face.