An odd discovery and a deceitful life

The person in front of me had: blonde hair overflowing on all sides, bright blue eyes, and a nose that looked almost too perfect.

"You-you-you're a girl!" Words escaped my lips like they had no worries.

Yes, the person in front of me was a girl and she was wearing nothing but a towel-like cloth as she just came out of an attached shower. I was enchanted.

She pulled me inside the room and covered my mouth so that I wouldn't be able to make any sounds. I didn't want to make a fuss, so I obliged. Once inside, she locked the door and stared at me with crude eyes. She looked like she would chop me up. "If ye scream or even make a spec of sound, yer dead!" She meant business, and I knew it.

I nodded to show my obedience. She let me go. There was a glowing stone near the bed. When she picked it up, a pale amethyst gem shined around the golden bracelet. Who is this beauty? How come no one told me about her?