A trip through memory lane

"I'm Daarc, nice to meet you, two gentlemen." My speech wasn't perfect but I could talk better than before.

"Dark? What sort of name is that?" the young man scowled

My thoughts exactly!

The captain patted his son on the back. "Don't say that Hook, every child's name is preordained by their parents."

I grinned on the inside.

"Yeah, I'm painfully aware of that." Hook clicked his tongue and looked away.

Everybody laughed. I tried to laugh but my chest reminded me that it was not ready for me to even talk let alone laugh. So I coughed and groaned instead.

"I told you to take it easy, didn't I?" The old man gave me the look.

I did not like this new mode of the old man. What was he: A mother hen, all of a sudden?

The captain introduced himself and after some talk, left with his son.

On the other hand I was confused and overwhelmed.

"Old man, how did you do this?" I said.

"You mean how did I procure this ship?"