How could she be married!

The smith didn't say anything past that but he looked at me with quite the wonder. He looked at my wounds too. As he left he looked at her. "Give him good equipment."

"I was just about to," she replied.

What the hell is going on here? Who is the owner? Can someone explain this to me?

Unfortunately, no one did and the man went straight back into the smithy.

"Groag, bring the latest two sets of armor and those two gloves and boots over there," the woman shouted.


A guy in the back answered. I couldn't tell what was going around me anymore. The place was too damn crowded. People were really busy buying and selling stuff. But even so, it was a lively place. There wasn't any chaos. I kind of liked it.

"Try these on over there." The armors had arrived. She pointed me to the dressing room.

I picked them up and these things were very heavy.

How the heck do people wear stuff like this?