
Brenda cuddled the little thing with her fingers and I was hoping Biteria would bite, but she didn't. With great disappointment, I devoured the big apple pie in front of me before even realizing it. I was always a big eater but never actually paid attention to my surroundings when I ate. It was probably my greatest weakness.

"That was for all of us, you know," Brenda whispered.


Instead of apologizing I puffed my chest and declared," I was feeling a little hungry. Thus I ate it. Don't expect an apology!" My speech sounded all formal and majestic. Even I was surprised at what I said.

They looked at me with seriousness and then looked at each other.

Maybe I should have apologized? No! They laughed at me first!

To my horror, instead of getting angry all three of them burst into laughter. If they had gotten mad, then it would have been fine with me but now I looked like an actual joker if I wasn't one already.