Unsteady future

I spent the morning alone in a room. The old man went to the market alone. There would have been trouble if I had gone along with him. Meanwhile, Jowy was with Alisa in a room next to the one I was in.

Ever since I came to this house, Alisa was staying away from me, almost as though she was avoiding me. Maybe I was just imagining things or maybe was she really afraid of me or something? or perhaps she secretly hated me for letting Brenda die? After all, Brenda died for my sake they were pretty close.

Should I ask her? But that would make the situation awkward. In that case…

I just waited patiently. My turn will come anyway. Eventually.

The old man came back sometime later. He brought back a lot of stuff. Some of that stuff looked quite fancy, especially the slice of rib eye he brought.

The geezer along with Alisa made lunch: I really wished Jowy was involved more than just supervising though. The odor was still pretty extravagant.