Alfeime, true magnificence

I was amazed, thrilled, and above all, relieved. When the old man told me that she was missing instead of being a corpse I had a fleeting hope that she could still be alive, yet I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Oh Biteria," I grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

The others were staggered but looked relieved as well.

Biteria purred and gently clung to me: She jumped on my shoulder and stayed there.

"It's a miracle," the old man said.

"There are no such things," I said. But I definitely appreciated this one.

"How'd she-"Alisa couldn't finish.

"I don't think we can know that as she can't talk." I cuddled Biteria with one finger and she looked back at me.

Please don't bite.

"Miracle or not I'm glad she made it," the old man said.

"Yup!" Alisa jumped.

But those eyes… Biteria, you-

Her eyes were trembling and the air was crippled with grief.

I'm glad you survived but how would I tell you that she's dead? And you ended up-