Night before the imminent execution, well, probably

We got out of the shop. As the shop owner was Lianne's acquaintance, paying wasn't necessary. But his last words were a surprise, even to me. Why would an elf warn me about an elf? It didn't make sense. And he probably noticed that I could use magic.

"I didn't know you were that young," she said. She was a little embarrassed and I couldn't even begin to wonder why.

"You don't happen to be that old too, right?"

"Oh, you want to know my age?" Her voice became a little charming. She was just teasing. "Anyway, did you get to know everything you wanted?"

So you're not going to tell me?         

"More or less." I looked up at the sky. No matter where I went, the stars always followed. They were probably the only thing in this world that didn't leave my side. But they always did disappear during the day. But at least I knew they were always there. "Alright then, I suppose I'll head back to the inn."

She smiled. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."