A pirate you say!?

The people inside the room didn't look much different than the pictures on the walls but they did have some differences like: some had thick eyebrows, while some had thin: some had thick hair while others had curvy. That was basically all the difference. 

"What the hell are they talking about?" Alisa whispered.


Alisa was abruptly silenced by the old man. It was evident that she couldn't understand the language but I didn't even notice any difference in speech: not once.

Was this the reason she was so quiet from the moment she got into Alfeim?

"Hmm, is something the matter?" The king looked at us with kindness. I still couldn't differentiate if this was an act or not.

"No, you're Excellency, she can't understand the old elven tongue so," the old man said.

"Oh? Pardon. I didn't realize that I've been talking in the old dialect.… You. Where have I heard your voice before?" The king pondered.