Mo-Mother, you say!

Things were going out of hand. "Umm…. Calm down?" I tried to think of a logical way to confront this. But I couldn't come up with anything. 

Have all of them gone mad or this is a different world?

"Is- is that you Daarc? Is it really you?" Jowy stood up in confusion and awe. "Are you sure it's you Daarc?"

Did you even hear what you just said? 

"DO you want me to punch you, your majesty?" I was kind of ticked off. 

He cleared his throat and sat down again. 

Lianne came closer to me. "How-how is this- how can this be?" She was touching me a bit too much.

"Calm down. Why are you so flustered?" That really was the question. Ever since I turned to a girl, every single elf I saw, showered me with respect and even these guys.

"You-you look almost like mother!" Lianne couldn't hide her emotions. I really didn't think elves were capable of this much emotion all at once.

"Come again?"