There are such things as peaceful forests? How? Why?

We camped somewhere inside the forest. According to Lianne it'd take about a full day of travel to cross this forest. Once we're out, we'd be in Helsing's territory. Till now I'd never heard of a country named that. "What kind of country is it?"

Wait, didn't the old man mention something about a country named hell something?

"It's a neutral country. Some demies live there too." Lianne dropped some wood on the fire. It'd be dark soon, so we started setting things. "Though maybe it has incited some sparks within us." She chose her words carefully.

I sighed. "You people and your war." I didn't want to be the guy who only complained, but unfortunately, I was that guy. "Is waging war over territory really necessary?"

"When your family and the people you know die of hunger around you and you see the nation next to you prospering without issues, that's when you know, it's war or death." Our demon friend bestowed his wisdom upon us.