On to the next forest!! Wh-WHY!?

We continued onwards through the forest, starting in the early morning. It smelled like hell and there were undead everywhere. It was in the middle of the day but the undead were still running around, playing hide and seek in the shadows. 

But when they came close to us, they were blown to pieces by Lianne. It was day and they were still coming for us, so I guess there weren't any angels in this forest. 

Dick never really showcased any of his skills. Come to think of it, I never even saw him with anything more than a shield to begin with. He'd irritate me, so I didn't bother to ask. I'd figured he would fight with something eventually. But the time never really came. The big guy however swung a large broadsword when needed. At least he was reliable.

I was getting impatient. "How long will it take for us to reach the border?" I was the slowest in the group because of my injuries, so I wanted this to be over as quickly as possible.