Wait, did you actually want me to get angry?

The forest thinned as we marched on ahead. The scenery around us changed in rapid motion. We managed to get out of the forest just after the afternoon. "Whew! Didn't think we'd make it."

"Grass! Oh, grass!" Dick started dancing. It was kind of amusing. He almost kissed the grass. Actually, a second later, he did.

"Alright, me and Daarc will hunt while you guys secure water, fruits, and firewood. Let's make camp over there." Lianne barked out orders. 

I didn't protest. She must have had something to talk to me about. Something she couldn't say in front of the others. The others didn't really say anything either.


Lianne led me to the open fields. There were wild animals here and there. A good place to hunt. "So what are we hunting?"


"Birds?" I asked again. If she wanted to hunt birds then bringing me out was pointless. She could have done it herself.