Women are scary

"Actually the rumors regarding your death were all over the place. So some speculated that you escaped and the rumors also went around you being a demigod in disguise. Besides, humans hate elves. So I don't think they'd try to rat you out anytime soon. And as for the elves, they won't even dream of harming you as long as you look like that."

So technically this guise of a woman wasn't totally pointless apart from soothing Lianne's heart. 

She might have misunderstood my concerns a bit though. I sighed. "Let's go get some items and armor."

"Follow me."

I followed her and bought quite a few potions and herbs. I had plenty of space, and I could afford the extra. I bought some antidotes and other stuff like that too. I really wanted to buy one high potion for 100 silvers but Lianne dragged me out of the store before I could even touch it. 

In her words 'It's not worth it.' 

I really wanted it though.
