Should I really be this optimistic?

"Ungh! My head hurts…" Dick groggily opened the door.

"We got to move, the dragon's back."

"Wait, who? Who are you?" He was confused. If he wasn't drunk I'd have probably punched him.

"This isn't the time for this you, moron. Did your brain malfunction or something?"

"Daarc? Wait what the hell is going on?"

I sighed in frustration. "You gotta be kidding me. How could you already forget my face?"

He groaned. "How could this be! Damn! I didn't even get the chance to kiss her yet."

I stared at him without a word. Did I seriously need to go through this now?

"Anyway what's up with the commotion?" he held his head in his hand. He was barely awake. And the fact that I wasn't a girl anymore bothered him more than anything else. 

"The dragon, he's back. And he brought friends."