Suddenly a wild bunny appeared

"You're from that forest."

I kept full eyes on my surroundings. Nothing was amiss and the dragons were still up in the air doing nothing, almost as if waiting for someone of thing.

"Ah, you do remember." His voice seemed a little more jubilant.

"Would you mind explaining all this to me? I can't seem to understand what's going on."

I lowered my sword. It wasn't because I trusted him. But I wanted him to let his guard down and tell me. Judging by his appearance he could very well have been the mastermind. And he was too nonchalant. Meaning I didn't have any way to harm him- at least that's what he probably thought.

"You appear dumb but actually are pretty smart, aren't you?"

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" I grinned. Things weren't getting anywhere. "How do you know about me? And how did you know about Namcha and Trerortra?"