AH, the plot is thick here: it just got thicker

An unfamiliar ceiling- again. I tried to move my head. It hurt to move but I successfully moved. I examined myself and the surroundings. I was in some sort of well-lit empty room. There was no one inside. My body was covered in bandages and I was shirtless as usual: at least not completely naked. 

I sat up. "Ungh!" My head throbbed. 

The curtains fluttered and fresh air entered the room. 

Looks like I've survived yet again. 

I sighed. Honestly, death might have been better. I lied down again. I had no desire to run around in my current condition. Someone would probably come by sooner or later anyway. I closed my eyes and fell asleep soon.


"I'm telling you, he is not a criminal! Are you telling me you don't believe me, the princess of the elven empire!?"