Just what are the demons?

I walked out. There were some guards outside. I walked closer to one of them: the same guy who gave me back my robe. We ran into one another, a lot today.

"Lead me to my room. And can I get some clothes? I don't really want to wear this stuff…. I have to take a shower too."

Just thinking about all this made me want to sigh. 

"Right away, my lord. Should I take you to the bed chambers?"

"As long as it's not that overly decorated Dis-ney Park, it's alright." I didn't want to go back to that decorated hell hole anytime soon. It really creeped me out.

"I am not familiar with that my lord. But are you saying you don't want to go to the royal bed chambers?" The soldier cocked his head around. 

"Yes, I am saying that. Any room would be fine other than that. On that note, even that room, the one you guarded would be fine," I said. I was a little annoyed, actually.