Is it me or does everyone else have better memory?

I yawned and woke up. The others were already up apart from me and Dick. The dude was sleeping too peacefully. I almost had the urge to draw on his face but contained myself.

Besides, there wasn't anything to draw with apart from charcoal anyway.

"You're up. Let's go and practice." Lianne came walking over the moment I woke up. Was she waiting for me to come alive all this time?

I didn't know why but I wanted to go back to sleep again.

"You're not even going to give me time to get fresh?"

"No. Cause we don't have time. Our journey would be shortened to just a day and half thanks to these birds." She smiled. "SO I'm going to pound everything I know about bows and canes into you. Starting now!" Her words were like a song: a song of death. She threw a stick aimed for my head the very next second. I barely dodged it and looked at her with disbelief. She had a dozen more. "Let's see how long you can stay there lying."

Oh, boy.