All hail

My eyes fluttered open. Usually, when I pass out from stuff like this, I wake up in bed or at least a prison. This time, I woke up straight in the middle of the city, with a hole the size of a small whale behind me, and surrounded by people all around me. 

And then I realized, I was being carried like a princess by Ve. 

When she noticed that I'd woken, she gradually lowered me and started screaming. "ALL HAIL THE DUKE OF HELSING AND THE ARCHDUKE OF ALFEIME EMPIRE! DAARC GREEN"

My ears kind of rung. This girl could scream! And not to mention her scream was manlier than mine and Dick's voice combined. 

Holy, what the hell!?

And the way she said it, made me want to crawl into a hole. 

Everyone bowed, even the people around me- my companions. I was basically the epicenter. 

My vision was still kind of funny but as I looked back and forth, I realized three things.