This is a prank, right? Right!?

We walked out of the castle. No one stopped us. I had a feeling there'd be more of a reception but after what we'd pulled this wasn't that much of a surprise. 

I'd actually hoped the king would stop us when I said I wanted to buy some weapons, but he never did. Well, at least he didn't secretly try to kill us and stuff. 

There went that.


"So, we're buying a sword for you first?" Ve asked. There was green around us. We were barely outside the castle yet ve still kept on talking. The smell of the air was nice though: I was sick of all the perfume inside the castle walls.  "And then we're flying back before noon?"

Something told me she was a bit excited. Did she want to kill me that badly?

"You're flying back. I'll do my best and take the train." But I sure had no intention of dying by falling down from a dragon.