Another day bites the dust

Dinner was kind of fancy while also being a bit lackluster. It was fancier than street foods at least. But it was a bit lacking when compared to the stuff I had in Helsing's castle. It was definitely better than Alfeim's food though. Yeah, hands down. 

The cuisine was mostly just different kinds of curry and rice: they did have some fried stuff too. I haven't had rice in this world till now. But now that I finally did, I was disappointed. This was not the type of rice I liked. This rice was puffier than I was used to and definitely reeked a bit: they probably just scented it. Unfortunately, I liked my rice bland. 

But the curries were spicy and kind of good, so no worries. But yeah, my bowels might suffer a bit too much tonight. 

"What about that old- I mean your pet?" The earl began. He fumbled a little with the words.

Actually, I fumbled with the whole concept of her turning into a hag.