This is all a misunderstanding, right?

The door wasn't locked, so I went in and- there were two girls inside, chatting and a bunny watching over them, nodding off as they talked. She woke up every two seconds and fell asleep by the next second again. 'Cute.'

I almost had this urge to go there and snuggle her without a word. But unfortunately, I didn't live in a fairytale. 

"Welcome back. And didn't you say, thirty minutes?" Viola said, pouting slightly. 

"Sorry, about that." I chuckled. "Lost track of time."

The other girl was quiet though. Seeing me, she stood up, bowed slightly, and left without another word. 

Viola however stood up too. "Thanks," She said to the girl. 

The girl looked back before leaving, she had a smile. She still didn't say anything though.

I had no idea what was going on here and I had no intention of knowing either. 

So, I just locked the door and went over to the other bed. It was really late.