Imma try my best!

I had roughly half an hour of freedom. 

Afterward, I'd have to deal with the ministers. 

Then my noon practice with Alisa and then another session with the ministers, lunch, and finally afternoon practices with the elf. 


"What the hell am I doing with my life?"

Even from way up here I could see thousands of people going on about their days. 

Some were shopping, children were playing around, and some people were even going on dates. Yeah, having better vision only made me feel more jealous. 

Why I couldn't I find peace like that?

I guess in a sense, death wasn't bad. But I just had too many regrets. 

"That really is the question, isn't it?" Zack came into the room, bowed. 

"It's okay, no need for bows."

The door was opened, and he did knock, I might have just ignored the sound.