Well, someone was certainly having the time of his life-

I'd been to many cities. There was all sort of amazements in this world.

There were all sorts of things that almost always captivated me. 

But this city, the city of Dracona was different.

Not because it had fancy machinery or fancy buildings, or even fancy trees, no. but because of dragons. Very fancy pets.

"Weren't dragons technically going extinct?"

There were dragons everywhere. Some were handling flying chariots, others, just ground chariots and some were even roaming freely. Very fancy indeed.

These looked slightly different than Dragons though. Some just looked like iguanas while others looked like dinosaurs. Some had scales, while others didn't. the flying ones had wings.

"Those aren't dragons, but lesser lizards. The flying ones are wyverns." 

Well, Ve sure wasn't happy that I called those things dragons.