Is it really meaningless?


Daarc's consciousness floated. 

It didn't just float anywhere- no. It floated in a very white place. 

He'd been to this place before- no, he'd been to the place just beneath this place- the river of life. 

This was a place above- a place where no soul alive was permitted. 

Daarc could see everything and he could feel the warmth. But something within him felt empty. He couldn't quite understand what. 

His memories were a little fuzzy but he could remember that all his friends were now dead and he too had died.

But- he didn't feel restless. He didn't really feel any emotions. 

It was almost as though- nothing had any meaning anymore. 

Everything was meaningless. 

Perhaps it was because he was dead, or perhaps this place had some sort of effect on him… he didn't know. 

"Welcome Daarc Green." A woman appeared before him. A woman clothed in light clothing: golden hair and a beautiful face.