A reason to move forward

When I first came to this world, I was powerless. 

I was hunted.

I was left for dead.

But I strived to live, and I was rescued. Maybe it was fate, maybe it was just a bit of good luck, or maybe just a plain coincidence, but, I lived. 

For me, a lot of people died. For me, a lot of innocents shed their blood: they died. And for me, a lot suffered. 

But even now, even though I regret a lot of my decisions, I wanted to live. 

I wanted to grow old with my friends, I wanted to live the rest of my life with Lianne in peace. I wanted to- live.

"But I guess that's impossible now."

I'd just woken up and the sun was already setting. I had no idea how long I was out and I didn't know if I was breathing or not- I couldn't tell. But I wanted to live. 

The boundless ocean was in front of me and seagulls were flying away- nostalgic. 

Behind me was a large forest and beneath me was sand- nothing more and nothing less.