And then it became my problem




I cleared all the snakes and crocs and it almost rained blood. 

I'd changed my mind, mostly because I reconsidered the spirit's logic. If I could save a local, I could extract information. So in the end, it was just for my own sake I'd saved her. 

The young knight had her bottom clenched tightly to the ground, soaking wet. She'd fallen down when I'd used my magic to blind the monsters and attack them.

She was breathing very weirdly and it was almost as though she was afraid of me. Talk about being grateful to your savior.

She already disgusted me. 

"Is there any villages or cities nearby?" My voice came out a bit crooked and loud. Unintentional. 

She remained quiet. Sweating, teeth shaking, and clattering. Her whole body was covered, her joints were less guarded but it sufficed to say, that the armor was heavy. I couldn't see anything other than just her eyes: shining blue eyes.