To the goblin’s nest?

"Damn you!" But no, not again.

I dashed forward, grabbed Gryole, hid her in my robe, and let out a pulse of hot, burning, holy light. It enveloped me and in a split-second spread through the air with blazing speeds- eradicating all the undead in the vicinity. 

I didn't know why but- for a second it was almost as though my feelings had returned, it was almost as though I was human again. The feeling dulled the next second but- I knew, they weren't gone, just yet. 

"Don't wander off like that." 


When the goblin had first taken the front, she was being rather diligent. But after a while, when she understood there were other goblins in the distance, she took off and the undead around us took that chance to attack her. She was almost about to be eaten. 

And he would have been if I hadn't acted on impulse like that. Who knew there were undead even pretending to be just dirt beneath our feet?