Straight ahead!


Black bars. 

Lots of black bars. 

"Why the hell did you have to open your damn mouth?"

There were two pyres in this place illuminating four cells. 

Only one guard was here while the rest of the three cells were pretty much empty. 

The smell though- rot, blood and filth. 

In contrast, even some forests smelled better than this place. 

"We got in, didn't we?" The girl tried to smile but yeah, I wanted to punch her. 

But I couldn't, since my hands were shackled.

When they were about to capture us, I wanted to fight back but, the girl had whispered she had a plan and I had to let them arrest us. 

But now, now I just felt stupid. 

Reason being, I couldn't use mana. These shackles had some sort of mana-binding property. 

"Pipe it down, you two!" The guard banged on the bars, spat on the ground, and again just turned his back.