Why the hell did I even ask?

'The heck am I supposed to do now?'

I was sleeping and dreaming no less.

'You there? Yoo hoo!'

And then I realized, I didn't actually know the spirit's name. 

Well, that was something. 

'Did I ever ask her though?'

Yeah, probably not. 

Usually, the spirit hugged me in my sleep, but lately, I hadn't slept at all. 

And she wasn't here, that was for sure. 

This had happened before. I'd gone to places in my sleep, seen things. But during those times I had demigods around me.

So, it was possible there was a demigod in the army. 

But if there was such a guy, why didn't he just come out during the fight?

Maybe he was hiding? Or was it that my powers had increased to a point where I didn't need demigods near be anymore?

There wasn't any way to make sure.