Reforged: Mystic Blade II


The furnace ran hot. 

The hammer came swinging. 

And the sound only got louder and louder. 

The pig actually grew into a rather muscular Orc and took both my mystic blade and the mystic spear. He even took the old sword. 

"You sure, you're not going to screw all three?"

The mystic blade was already broken but the spear was pretty good. But this guy still took em. 

"Don't worry, if he does-" Selis paused and grinned. "I'll make him climax so hard, he'll die in euphoria."

The pig let out a shiver and started working harder. He was already working really hard but now- now he was just going crazy. 

'Should have kept my mouth shut, I suppose.'

"How long will this take?" I said. 

I didn't know much about smithing but these things took time. Just sharpening took at least a day.