
The spirit went closer to the fallen husk of Endroma and merged. "No, they should be fine; most monsters would return to normal while the goblins, undead, and such would become one with the soil and perhaps enter the cycle of rebirth for the first time; they will finally be at peace. Even demigods should be fine. You, however-" She stood up. she looked just like I'd seen her in my dreams- just a tad more beautiful. If anything, she was probably on par with Selis's looks, just a bit flatter. 

"Would die because I became a god?" I chuckled. 

"That is correct." She looked awfully apologetic. "You've transcended mortality and hence-"

"Oh yeah, if the gods and mana are gone, the cycle and that big river- what about those?"

"They will remain and the cycle would continue. It would continue on its own without any interference. Things would become like your world." 

We got surrounded. 

A bunch of people showed up.