
I finally felt ready to show my mom my quirk and had been preparing for it. I wanted it to be a special moment for her, she had such a hard time as a single mother and I can remember her crying for me when I was announced quirkiness.

I found out her favorite animal was a wolf after asking which gave me the idea to draw the goddess Amaterasu from Okami. That game had been what got me into painting in the first place. The style and characters stuck with me after playing and it would be a dream to bring them to life.


With a week left before school started I decided now was the time to show her. Waking up that morning I looked at the drawing for a few seconds before going to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good Morning Izuku, aren't you up a bit early today?" Inko asked as she was setting down food on the table.

"Yeah I woke up early cause I want to show you something super special mom." I said as I sat down at the table.

"A surprise? What do you want to show mama honey?" Inko looked at me happily.

"Mmm, It's a secret. I want to show you at the park." I said while pouting a bit. "Can we go after breakfast? I worked on the surprise to make it special for you."

She teared up a bit. "You're so thoughtful Izuku! Of course we'll go right after." as she dabbed at her eyes with a tissue.

A sweatdrop formed on my face 'Why does she tear up at everything?'


Grabbing the drawing and hiding it behind my back as we left. I told her it was part of the surprise and she couldn't peek as we walked to the park. Amused, she agreed to walk in front of me to make sure she couldn't look.

As we walked I felt both excited and nervous. I hoped she liked it, over the summer as I assimilated Izuku's memories and got used to living with a mother instead of alone. I came to love her like the original Izuku. She was a sweet woman, kind, and supportive in a way the orphanage workers in my past life never were.

"Okay." I said as we stopped in a clearing in the trees. Putting the drawing face up on the ground. And stepping back.

"My!! What a beautiful drawing Izu-chan!! Did you make this yourself?" Inko gasped as she saw the drawing.

Stopping her stepping forward to pick it up. I told her " Yeah mom but that's not the whole surprise yet just stand back and watch.

Confused she nodded and stepped back. As I looked at the paper I thought of Amaterasu leaping out the page with a howl, the flames around her weapon dancing and her tail wagging. The drawing bulged Inko let out a gasp grabbing my shoulder and trying to drag me away.

"It's okay mom, it's my quirk!" I said calmly.

With a howl the sun goddess leaped out in a blur of ink standing before us with actual flames dancing around her weapon.

'I make flames?! Can I make other elements?' Surprised at the new ability I discovered.

"Y-you have a quirk Izu-chan? You have a quirk!!" She swept me up in a hug spinning around. After calming down a bit and setting me down she looked at the wolf with a bit of confusion on her face. "What is your quirk exactly sweetie?"

"I can draw animals and make them come alive! They're super strong and listen to my order's." Before commanding the wolf to sit, and give me her paw. "Do you want to pet her? Your favorite animal is a wolf right?"

"Is that why you asked me a few days ago?" she said with a smile.

I nod, grinning at her.