Chapter 4

It has been a week since I started coming to the academy. Today the student council has invited me. No, they didn't suspect me or anything.

It seems they are thinking about making me a member of the student council. As I am known as a model student already, it kinda makes sense. But honestly, I don't want to do all those extra works.

I thought that I am going to have friends. But then a big number of students in the whole academy turned into my secret admirers. I can't even eat normally during break time. There will be at least 2 or 3 students who will be taking peeks at me.

I don't know what they try to see. Logic is useless here. I am not surprised as even a person like Issei can become the source of hope for a new era in this world.

The student council has told sensei about their reason for calling me. As the teacher permitted, I am now going there in the middle of class with a senior and member of student council members, Tsubaki Shinra.

I don't remember much about the peerage members of Sona Sitri as they were kind of that type of forgettable characters except Saji who appeared to be a rival of Issei. Wish I had photographic memory in my previous life.


"Come in." A voice sounded from inside.

I follow senpai inside. Devil's really like dark places. The room is not that dark but still, has a vibe of it.

"Hello there, Yotsuba-san. Sorry for calling you at the class hour." Sitri senpai said

"No problem, senpai. So, what is the matter?"

"Straight to the business huh? First, take a seat please." Senpai said smiling.

I took my seat and looked at Sona-san. Whoa! I am calling her senpai? Well, she is older than me technically. Umu Umu. No problem there.

I know I won't get caught using any abilities here but don't feel it's necessary now. Let's see where it goes.

"Yotsuba-san, will you join at student council?"


"Yea, I know it's kinda surprising for you...wait what!"

"I don't want to join student council, senpai."

"But why? By joining the student council you will have many privileges."

"I am all good now. Don't want to do any extra works. I have other works to do also. So I am kinda busy."

"Sigh. Well, can't force you if you don't want to. But please think about it. You are always welcomed here."

She then offered me tea. We talked a bit more about random things. She tried to know my background but I kinda just went through my pre-made up story. After some time, I parted from the room and returned to my classroom.

Nothing happened anything noteworthy after.


Later on the same day at night,

"Took me some days to get you, miss. Now, I don't think someone with your strength would go unnoticed. Who are you actually? " The boy with green and black hair which looks more blueish asked me.

"Well, at first, you are in my house. Shouldn't you introduce yourself to me before asking? I thought that was the gentleman way." I asked.

Yes, Shiva is at my house. I knew he will find me at some point. But did not think it would happen so soon. Although he has a cute face, he is pretty evil. Already trying to read my mind.

I release my ability to counter him. He jerked a bit and then smiled like nothing happened.

"Silly me. Forgive my rudeness. I am Shiva, one of the Trimurti. "

"So, a God?"

"Ahh.Yes. So, now, who are you, miss?"

"Me? I am Yotsuba Miyuki. A transfer student from the US. I study at Kuoh Academy as a 2nd-year student." I replied with an innocent expression.

Shiva looked at me with an expression like '?' and then facepalmed seeing me becoming silent like I told everything.

"That's it?" He asked.

"Yea. Did I miss anything?"

"You did not even say anything! Sigh. Let's get to the business. Which mythology you are from? You have the authority in Destruction just like me. I felt your presence for the first time somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. I kinda feel it's even getting stronger day by day. It's not like my authority is decreasing. But it's a concerning matter. A being like you should not have been gone unnoticed for this long. What's your reason for being coming at the light now?"

"Well, didn't your 'future predict' ability work on me?"

"Haha. Unfortunately, my abilities do not work on someone with the same or more power than me." Shiva said with a wry smile.

"That's sad."

"I second on that."

"Don't worry, Mr. God. I am not here for any big reason. Trying to experience human life here a bit." I said after thinking a bit.

"Well. I am relieved. And you can call me by Shiva."

"Thanks. Then call me by Miyuki too."

"Sure. It was a pleasure to meet you. I hope we will meet again. I have some works to take care of. Bye for now then I guess."

"Alright. Will meet again I guess." I also said with a smile.

Shiva smiled and vanished without making any sound. That did not feel that frightening. He, is a good guy, maybe.


*POV Shiva*

I just met that being. The same one as me who is the authority in destruction.

Before meeting her, I took every necessary preparation for a serious fight to kill tonight.

But it wasn't necessary, for now, that is. She didn't seem malicious.

Even more, she had a soothing aura unlike a person with an authority in destruction should be. I could not track her origin. She did not feel like a normal Goddess. But her strength was not a sham.

Good that I did not show up prepared for war. We avoided a fight. I can't imagine the scale of destruction it would cause.

It seems the future is going to be interesting. Although this will bring new problems also. I can relieve some boredom of mine. I want to see how Indra will react after seeing her. Haha.

*POV Shiva End*