Chapter 7

*POV Rias*

"I think it's better if you don't." A red gauntlet appeared on Issei's hand and an overbearing voice sounded from it.

"Who are you?" I asked surprised.

"I am the Red Dragon of Domination, sealed inside this boosted gear. You guys can call me Ddraig." Ddraig replied.

"Whoa, inside this thing!" Issei exclaimed.

"You can talk?" I spoke.

"That was a dumb question," Ddraig replied.

"Erm. Anyways, why did you say that it's better that I don't try to recruit her?"

"As far as I heard till now, you are from Gremory house and the sister of current Lucifer, right?"

"Yes. What of it? "

"She knew it. Still didn't care about your threat and instead used her aura suppression on you. She has to be either strong or stupid to do something like that to you. Or has to have a background strong enough even your brother can't just attack her mindlessly. Which one do you think?"

"I-I don't know."

"For now, don't try to antagonize her. Although she is kind of short-tempered from what I saw, she has no malice. Don't be deceived by the soothing aura she normally exudes. It can change in the opposite one just in a moment."

"I heard Dragons are straightforward beings. You certainly don't seem like one though."

"Dragons are straightforward, but not an idiot. Anyways, don't make her your enemy. If possible, try to keep a good relationship with her. Don't try to tell her about joining in your peerage after the stunt you pulled just some moments ago."

"Sigh. You are talking in riddles. Well, I won't try, for now at least. Maybe in the future."

Ddraig just grunted in response.

"Oi. Ddraig, you forgot about me!"

"Oh. Hello partner."

"Hello. So how can I get stronger so that I can be a..."

"Ask your king. I am going to take a rest. Have to think about something. Will talk later."

"Hear me out first!"


"He won't be saying anything for now. Let me introduce you to other members." I spoke with a sigh.

"Al-Alright, senpai," Issei said

*POV Rias End*


Two days later,

Azazel is sitting in front of me. These supernatural creatures really do not think about privacy matters. Always trying to prob into others without any permission.

"It's not gentlemanly to invade a lady's secrets, Mr.," I said while destroying his inspection-type magic.

"Haha. My bad. But I am surprised that I didn't even hear about a being of your caliber exist in this world till now. My curiosity got the better out of me." He said sweating a bit.

"Didn't you think about what could I do if angered by your action?"

"Err. I am sorry about that. Haha."

"Sigh. Anyways, why are you here for, the respected leader of Grigori?"

"I heard from Raynare. Thanks for not killing her and asking her to inform me about the event. She is kinda crazy but not evil. A bit of fanatic follower though."

"I don't know how can a girl who can ask although a pervert but an innocent boy to die for her in his face be not evil."

"Haha. Well, that's the way this supernatural society is."

"Forget it. I didn't kill her cause it would bring more annoying problems for me. And I kinda knew who was creating troubles. So decided to inform you through her. Good, she heard me out."

"This rebellion force has been building on for some time. I didn't take this seriously as Kokabiel was always a maniac and the weakest of us. Thought, how much he could even do. But didn't know this would get so serious that he would even try to kill the boosted gear wielder of this generation to create chaos."

"Did you catch him?"

"No. He has hidden after knowing that other superiors of Grigori has known about his works and preparing to take action."

"Basically, you failed."

"*Cough Cough* I already dispatched a team to track him. I hope he will be caught soon."

"Good for you."

"Ahem. Now, maybe you heard this question many times already. Still, I am going to ask you. Who are you actually, Yotsuba-san?"

"Me? Ahem. I am Yotsuba Miyuki. A transfer student, studying in Kuoh Academy as a 2nd-year student."

"The answer was interesting except with no new information I did not know before. So, you won't tell me anything? "

"Didn't I just tell you everything? "

Azazel looked at me for some time and,

"Sigh. I understand. But, what is the reason for you to reveal yourself now? "

"Do I look that suspicious? Why everyone asks this same question to me? "

"Cause you are suspicious."

"I didn't know!"

"Stop joking please."


"Sigh. What happened with the new red dragon emperor?"

"He was reincarnated as a devil by the sister of current Lucifer who is also the governor of this Kuoh Town. Don't you already know? "

"I know. But, isn't that a bit fast? "

"Well, judging from the situation, it is only a matter of time others come at him either to kill or recruit him. He was kinda desperate. So, I just gave the best solution I could at that moment and he did it."

"Can't deny. He is safer than before now that he is connected to the current Lucifer in a way."

"I am right, right?"


"So, are we done for now? I have to finish my homework sensei gave."

"Yes. We are done for now. Thanks for your time. See you later, Yotsuba-san." Azazel waved his hand and vanished.

His main thoughts are about sacred gears, peace, and women, I know he is trying to achieve peace. Nonetheless, I don't like being manipulated. He kinda doubted that I was reading his mind but didn't take action as he started it first. Hehe.

Anyways, I have to complete my homework. Will think about him later.


*POV 3rd*

"A new transfer student who at minimum has the strength comparable to a Satan-class Devil! Even Red Dragon Emperor is cautious of her?" Sirzechs asked with a thoughtful expression.

"Yes, Onii-sama. We could not find any notable information on her. And I stopped trying to get more after Ddraig warned me not to antagonize her. I will send the information I got about her to you through teleportation circle later."

"Alright. And as she helped you I doubt she will do anything harmful for you, for now at least. Still, be on guard and let me know if anything happens. I will go in Kuoh town after settling the matters in my hand."

"Alright, Onii-sama."

The contact magic was then turned off and they got disconnected from each other.

"Another new problem. Sigh, my free time!" Sirzechs said exhausted.

*POV 3rd End*


The next day at Academy,

"Rias-senpai, although I didn't ask you to keep things about me a secret, isn't it too fast?" I asked seeing Sona-senpai standing beside her.

"Err. What happened was.." Rias started to speak but Sona cut her off and,

"Ahem. Yotsuba-san, we need to talk. Let's meet at the occult research club building after class hour."

"Sigh. Alright." I replied and went towards my class.

'Why Onii-sama had to tell Sona's sister about this!' Rias-senpai seems crying inside her mind. Alright, she didn't tell Sona-senpai, she told everything to her big brother!