Chapter 10

*POV 3rd*

It's been some days since Asia started living with Miyuki. As they both are girls and Asia kinda fears sleeping alone which Miyuki got to know on the first night, they decided to sleep in the same room, same bed.

And yes, she had not reincarnated as a devil like in canon. She became kinda attached to Miyuki as she became with Issei. No, they aren't attached in that way, for now.

Although after knowing some adult things, Asia is imagining some things revolving around her and Miyuki. Miyuki stopped reading her mind after she saw that. Cause her mind was close to becoming a mess.

Asia got admitted to Kuoh Academy in the same class as Miyuki. Although Issei tried to do something indecent, feeling Miyuki's glare, he stopped.

Miyuki is now in the clubroom. Yes, It's the second arc.

Rias and all members of her peerage are present. Miyuki is sipping tea with Asia sitting beside her.


"Come in," Rias said.


The beautiful silver-haired busty maid entered. Her expression was neutral which was close to crumbling after she saw Miyuki inside the room but controlled herself.

As Miyuki has been thinking about the engagement problem. She did not notice. Grafiya blushed a bit seeing Miyuki's thoughtful expression. Any person who likes beautiful things can not deny this ethereal beauty.

Miyuki's dazed expression was like something came out of painting. When they only direct their attention to her. They will forget everything else surrounding them.

[Author note: I just got to know that I am not good at writing those catchy lines.]

Grafiya controlled herself and got herself into work mode. She started thinking about how she should proceed in front of this irregular existence.

"I have to control Phenex-Sama and Ojou-sama from making any scene in front of Yotsuba-sama. We can't anger her!" Grafiya thought to herself.

Unlike canon, Rias did not go to offer her virginity to Issei. Actually, Rias is not behaving as she behaved in the original story too. She became more open-minded. Mainly, the effect of Miyuki's teasing. Her body language is less stiff than before.

Miyuki noticed it but did not say anything about it. Her thought was, "Well, maybe butterfly effect."

A magic circle lit up in the middle of the room.

"Here he comes. Although he becomes a good man later in the canon. Now he is nothing more than a d!ck." Miyuki thought and smirked.

"Fuu, it's been a while since I came to the human world." Riser said after he appeared inside the magic circle.

He looks around the room. His gaze falls at Miyuki. A perverted smile appeared on his face.

"Although you are nothing but an inferior human. You can have the fortune to be a part of my harem. Will you, Miss?" Riser asked.

"This good for nothing!" Grafiya panicked while cursing Riser inside her mind. Before she could say anything,

"Ufufu, I am flattered. But birds are not my type of pet. So, sorry, but I have to reject your offer." Miyuki replied innocently.

Everyone tried to stop laughing.

"Insolent!" Riser angrily shouted.

"Enough, Phenex-sama. Yotsuba-sama is a respected benefactor of our devil faction, also a good friend of Lucifer-sama and Leviathan-sama, you can do nothing but show respect to her." Grafiya spoke up.

"Ooo. That was new." Miyuki thought intrigued.

Riser may be a womanizer and arrogant pr!ck but not a fool. He caught the seriousness of the situation. But although he stopped, he could not understand why those big-shots are so respectful towards someone so weak. He then looked at Rias.

"My lovely Rias. I came to see you." He said. But Rias didn't reply anything.

Except for Issei and Asia, everybody knows about the engagement between them. So they were not that surprised hearing him talk like that.

"Now then, Rias. Let's go and take a look at the ceremony hall. The date of the ceremony is decided so we need to check it before then." Riser continued and went to grab Rias's arm but,


He was thrown at the wall by an invisible force without any warning.

"Hehe. Although he is a bird, he should not go around flying inside the room and destroying walls." Miyuki said laughing in pure amusement.

Grafiya was sweating bullets inside her mind while Rias had an expression like she just avoided a bug sitting on her arm.

"Wh-What just happened! Who did that? Girls!" Riser shouted standing shakily.

All the girls came inside the room. Albeit, all 15 members were floating with their heads towards the ground and legs towards the roof in two rows.

"What a unique entry!" Miyuki said and,


Everyone except Grafiya, Riser, and his peerage members started laughing.

If Riser was confused before now he became frightened. Someone is playing with him without even showing up. And they can't even save themselves from the attacker.

"Wh-Who is doing it?" Riser stuttered.

"Ehem. Everything that happened was an accident, Phenex-sama."

"Accident? What are you.."

"Yes. It was an accident, Phenex-sama."


Riser did not say anymore as it was getting messier and confusing. They went down on business.

The talk went like canon. They decided to do a rating game.

When they were close to finishing the discussion.

"Phenex-san, can I have a deal with you?"

"Do you even have anything valuable enough to make a deal with me?"

"Hehe. Didn't you want me in your harem some time ago?" Miyuki said smiling.

"Hoho. I am interested. What's your deal?" Riser asked.

"Phenex-sama, you can not.." Grafiya tried to intervene but,

"Stop, Grafiya-san. I wanna hear her out at least. Tell me, girl."

"I want to join this rating game with Rias-senpai, if you win, you will get me in your harem. And if you lose you will have, let's see, give me money. As I am not a part of senpai's peerage, I am asking for your permission, Phenex-san."

"Haha. So narrow-minded. I don't know why the rulers of Underworld respect you. You need to know your place. Alright, I accept your proposal. Grafiya-san, let her join Rias's team on rating game as Rias's bishop. It will be interesting. Do you agree too, Rias?"

"I-I agree," Rias replied.

Everyone inside the clubroom had a funny expression on their face.

"He just made the worst decision of his life," Grafiya said inside her mind.

"Mu cute kouhai Miyuki. Why do I feel that she is more of a devil than us here." Rias thought sweating a bit.

"Hmph. I don't need to use 'Master tactician' to fight these one-dimensional characters. Common sense is more than enough. Hehe," Miyuki thought while covering her mouth to hide her smirk.

*POV 3rd End*