Chapter 14

*POV 3rd*

"Miyuki-san, thanks for listening to us. We are relieved hearing that you will be watching over Rias and Sona if anything goes wrong." Sirzechs said Through communication magic.

"No need to thank me. I will be more than happy to clear some rubbish close to the area where I live." Miyuki smiled at him.

Akeno has contacted Grafiya about the possible fight with Kokabiel. Sirzechs wanted to come hearing that but Grafiya then suggested the idea of entrusting that problem to Miyuki. After listening to Grafiya's reasoning about the chain reaction of the fight between two leaders of Fallen Angels and Devils, Sirzechs unwillingly nodded. Everyone seems to have too much trust in her.

He then contacted Miyuki about the matter.

"And well, even if you did not contact, I would still go as Rias senpai just contacted me. It seems she wanted to solve the problem herself first if possible."

"She does not like to ask for help till she reaches her limit." Sirzechs wryly smiled.

"Hai Hai. Enough now. Miyuki-san, we owe you another one." Serafall said smiling.

"Goodbye." Miyuki smiled and cut off the communication magic and looked beside her.

"Asia, will you go?"

"Sure, I can at least heal if needed," Asia said. She was sitting beside Miyuki watching tv. After hearing about the possible fight, she started listening to the conversation between Miyuki and two Maou.

"Even after hearing God is dead, you are the same and kind Asia like before," Miyuki said smiling at her.

"I was sad and lost for some time after hearing that from you. But, as you said, even if God is dead, I should not think that I can't have any other reason to live my life."

"You have grown. No worries, I will be always with you."

"Me too, Miyuki-san."

"I am glad. Now, let's go and see what is happening there." Miyuki said and vanished with Asia from the room.

*POV 3rd End*


I appeared on the battleground with Asia. I looked around me. It seems Issei did not begin his stupid pervert style power-up. Good, I came in time.

"Who are you?" Kokabiel said surprised seeing me.

"No One special. It's just I have been entrusted by the Maou-Lucifer and Maou-Leviathan to help their sisters if needed." I smiled at him.

"Haha. Do they not love their sisters enough to come themselves to save their sisters instead of sending a weak girl to help?" He said amused.

"Good joke, but you are wrong. The thing is, they love their sisters too much. That's why they sent me to take care of you instead of coming themselves."

"Hmph. Insole.."

"So, Kiba-san, you gained 'Balance Breaker' already? Good work!" I said not letting Kokabiel finish his dialogue.

"Erm. Yes, Yotsuba-san. But unfortunately, I am still not strong enough to take him down." Kiba sadly said.

"Hehe. No worries. You will live at least 10 thousand years. It's a long time to get stronger. Let me take care of it for now. Asia, go heal them." I said and flew towards Kokabiel. I stopped after getting face to face with him.

"Shiba-san, he is too strong. We need to attack him together." Issei shouted before I could say anything to Kokabiel.

"He is right. And it's even better if you run away from this place to save your life." Kokabiel tried to mock me.

"Just a crow with some more wings and so arrogant! You don't even know when a cuckoo lays eggs on your nest. Always getting used by others. Sigh."

"Pfft," Everyone became surprised and then started laughing hearing me. Some even shrieked in pain as they moved their wounded body.

"You will die cause of your sharp tongue today, girl," Kokabiel said with a fierce expression.

"Oops, sorry. I didn't mean to insult the crows. I know they are good for the environment while you are just harmful. Don't be angry please."

"You, You, just die already!" He gathered a mass of light element and shot it towards me.

"Wow, nice light. You could be a high-class lamp at my house. Interested?" I asked.

"Sigh. I think she is gonna kill him using her tongue only." Akeno-senpai said. Ahem.

The attack vanished before it could touch me.

"Sona-senpai, was everything record till now?"

"From the moment he came, everything he said has been recorded."

"Good, then no need to leave him alive."

"Arrogant, a weak human like you can't even make a scratch on my sk.."


His cheek started bleeding before he could finish saying.

I smirked at him without saying anything. Nothing more fun than playing with Someone's emotions. Ahem, don't think of me as a sadist though. It was just for fun, ok?

"You will experience hell today!" He shouted and flared his power which did NOTHING to me.

"Enough playing. You are making my people uncomfortable." I said and flared my aura concentrating on him. He became still and unable to talk. Only his face showed a fearful expression.

"Now, die." I summoned a small mass of energy imbued with the concept of Destruction and shot at him. His soul, body, memory, nothing can be revived. All will be destroyed for eternity. Maybe some entities will sense my presence today for this, whatever, it will happen anyway.

"Sto.." Someone shouted while coming towards my way flying but before he could intervene the mass touched Kokabiel's body already and everything of Kokabiel vanished for eternity in less than a second.

"Ooo. White dragon emperor, you are late I guess." I said looking at him.

"I was tasked to catch Kokabiel by Azazel, as you killed him, I need to catch you." He said entering on balance breaker mode flaring his energy.

"Just a random white color lizard, don't try to see more than your eyes can tolerate," I said using telekinesis on him. His body shot at the ground and created a hole in it.

"It seems Albion could not even warn his partner in time." Ddraig said from gauntlet seeing this happening.

"Sigh. Before I could even say anything, he charged like a fool without hearing me out." White dragon replied.

"Urgh." Vali groaned in pain and tried to stand.

"Tone down your arrogance a bit. You are just a newbie devil with some better than average bloodline and fate." I said looking at him with a neutral expression on my face.

Hehe. I feel I just said something cool.

"Who are you?" Vali asked with anger.

"You don't need to know. Go and tell Azazel that I finished what I said but unfortunately could not catch Kokabiel alive." I replied and teleported him out from this place before he could say anything.

Annoying brats, I am not Naruto and they are not Sasuke here. I got no duty to correct their arrogance with Talk No Jutsu. I am Asian parent if needed to be categorized, beatings always work just fine.

"The fated meeting between the eternal rivals, the White and the Red was never so anticlimactic." Ddraig from the gauntlet sighed.

"Huh? He was my rival whom I supposed to kill or be killed by you always talk about? " Issei said surprised.

"Alright. Everyone go and get healed. Rias-senpai, contact Sirzechs-san, the school area looks destroyed."

"Alright. And thanks for the help, Miyuki-san." Senpai said and I nodded in reply.

Now, what should I do?